On Friday evening, Russ and I went to visit some good friends in New Port Richey. Toni and Craig and Russ and I have been pals for more years than I can count. As usual, Toni cooked a delicious meal and their home was beautifully decorated for Christmas. They have always gone way out on the Christmas decor, but this year their tree looked especially lovely and the lights outside were beautiful. They have a knack for "doing it right!" We were a little skimpy this year on the Christmas cheer. We did put up some outside lights and a wreath and just a tree inside with a few things in the foyer for cards and my angels. Spending time with a few good friends and some fun conversation was wonderful.
This is usually the time of year when I love to do some special things, but I just didn't feel up to it. One of the things I love is making Pizelles. My wonderful friend and neighbor, Gina, brought me some yesterday. I was so excited and chowed down a couple right after she left. Hmm, I think I'll have one now with a nice "cuppa" tea.