I had been told that I would lose my hair sometime between 14-17 days of my first Chemo treatment. On Wednesday, 14 days after the first treatment, it started to come out. By Friday, I was losing clumps. I called Evelyn, my hairdresser, and asked her if she could help. I was going in on Saturday for a pedicure in any case so she told me she'd take care of it then. Making the decision to have my head shaved was not brave or special. It was necessary. Losing clumps of hair is messy and stupid. I just had to bite the bullet and shave it off. I have been preparing for this for awhile. I have a wig, some scarves and caps and will pick up some more. I called my friend Phyllis and asked her to go with me for moral support. Phyl and I have been going to Evelyn and Nicki for years for hair and nails. I think it was harder on the others than it was on me. In the pix attached you can see Evelyn walking away with my hair....she is crying.
You're beautiful inside and out. I will be your blog reading greatest fan.
Hair does not a person make:the sole seen through the smile tells all. Keep the beautiful smile.
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