So...this is the last big hurdle in the war against the enemy. I have enlisted the Cancer Care Centers of Florida as my army, and Dr. Sanjay Emandi is the General for this battle. I had met with Dr. SE before, but I was not sufficiently healed to endure radiation. Now that the wound is closed up....I can prepare for radiation. Today I met again with Dr. SE and we discussed the battle plan. 5 weeks of radiation, 5 days a week. I see him again next week for tatooing and to map out the battle plan and the dosage amounts.
In cases where the breast is surgically removed, the doctor may suggest radiation therapy for the chest wall and nearby lymph node areas. Whether or not radiation therapy should be used after removal of the breast depends on several factors, including the number of lymph nodes involved, tumor size and surgical margins. Dr. Kumar, Dr. Al'Kafaji and Dr. Emandi all agree that I should do the radiation. I meet in two weeks with all three doctors to plan the attack. One of the major problems for me is the issue of my COPD. Since the radiation will be targeting the chest wall area...it will also hit the lungs. My poor compromised lungs already have problems and this will lead to more breathing issues. The only Dr. not in the loop right now is Dr. Argawal. I should make an appointment with her for issues relating to the chemo side effects. (i.e. Neuopathy, nail issues, etc.)
I have also been attending Physical Therapy for the lymphoma in my right arm. Looks like this is going to be another "lifetime" condition - another cancer treatment side effect !!
I just reread this and sound like a perpetual patient. I am really not....I just want to finish this treatment and get back to a life devoid of Doctors, prescriptions, side-effects and worry. I know that's a lot to ask....and maybe that is not even a realistic goal, but it's my goal and I plan to work toward it.
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Good words.
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