When you meet with the Radiologist to discuss the radiation procedures, he will tell you about all the medical side effects possible and suggest creams, lotions and potions to use for dehydrated, burnt skin. NO ONE tells you about "Purple Dye"!! When you go for the initial planning session you are marked and tatooed so that the radiation beams will hit the same place all the time. When you are first marked the nurse uses a purple indelible marker on your skin. Yes, it's indelible....stays on the skin....but it comes off on your clothes. I was warned about this by a gal pal of mine who had been thru it, and she told me to bring baby oil and q-tips with me to each session so that I could remove the markings before I got dressed. The first few times I received a treatment, I was not re-marked and I had been tatooed, so I wrongly assumed I was done with the PURPLE DYE! Boy was I wrong....last week I got marked again and I now have purple dye on new undergarments I had purchased and a favorite blouse...but I wouldn't trade a new bra or a new blouse for radiation....so I have my priorities in order.
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