Friday, December 21, 2007

Lovely Tradition

On Friday evening, Russ and I went to visit some good friends in New Port Richey. Toni and Craig and Russ and I have been pals for more years than I can count. As usual, Toni cooked a delicious meal and their home was beautifully decorated for Christmas. They have always gone way out on the Christmas decor, but this year their tree looked especially lovely and the lights outside were beautiful. They have a knack for "doing it right!" We were a little skimpy this year on the Christmas cheer. We did put up some outside lights and a wreath and just a tree inside with a few things in the foyer for cards and my angels. Spending time with a few good friends and some fun conversation was wonderful.

This is usually the time of year when I love to do some special things, but I just didn't feel up to it. One of the things I love is making Pizelles. My wonderful friend and neighbor, Gina, brought me some yesterday. I was so excited and chowed down a couple right after she left. Hmm, I think I'll have one now with a nice "cuppa" tea.

Memory Tree

My Mother recently moved into a lovely apartment built onto my brothers home in Spring Hill. I knew she didn't have room for a big Christmas Tree this year, so my solution is this cute three foot Memory Tree. The ornaments are all pictures of family, red balls and twinkly lights. I hope she enjoys it as much as I enjoyed putting it together. She will get it tomorrow.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Greatest Toy

My daughter is very organized. I am not. I'm not quite sure where she came by this wonderful trait, but I know it was not from me. When Pamm was here recently, she bought me a great fun gift.... a Brother P-Touch Labeler. Pamm organized my kitchen, my desk, my medical records, my bath and more...and she used this wonderful little machine to do it. I have since become addicted to my P-Touch and I am labeling everything in sight. If you don't own one, get one. They can be purchased at most office supply stores for about $15.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

It Had To Go!

I had been told that I would lose my hair sometime between 14-17 days of my first Chemo treatment. On Wednesday, 14 days after the first treatment, it started to come out. By Friday, I was losing clumps. I called Evelyn, my hairdresser, and asked her if she could help. I was going in on Saturday for a pedicure in any case so she told me she'd take care of it then. Making the decision to have my head shaved was not brave or special. It was necessary. Losing clumps of hair is messy and stupid. I just had to bite the bullet and shave it off. I have been preparing for this for awhile. I have a wig, some scarves and caps and will pick up some more. I called my friend Phyllis and asked her to go with me for moral support. Phyl and I have been going to Evelyn and Nicki for years for hair and nails. I think it was harder on the others than it was on me. In the pix attached you can see Evelyn walking away with my hair....she is crying.

Wow! Life can turn on a dime!!

When I started this blog in July...I quickly got bored with it and never followed through. I was also busy with lots of other activities and really didn't take the time to work on it. changed for me on October 23. I was diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer. IBC is a type of breast cancer that is much less common than ductal or lobular breast cancer. This is a very aggresive form of cancer, not usually detected thru mammograms or ultrasound. The first manifestation is usually physical. In my case I went to see a doctor because I was very tired, in spite of getting plenty of rest. My doctor gave me a physical exam and ordered blood tests. At that time I had NO physical sympoms of breast cancer other than a tenderness in the right breast. She examined that and found no lumps or discolorations, no changes at all. She ordered a mammogram to be safe. My mammo appointment was scheduled for Nov. 5 and I had the blood work done immediately. Within a few days, before I had the mammogram, my breast was sore, itching, red and very hot to the touch. I called the Doctor at once. While I was making an appointment to come in as soon as possible, coincidentally she was asking another nurse to get me on the phone and have me come in at white blood cell count was thru the roof. The next two weeks are quite a blur...a surgical biopsy, diagnostic mammogram, ultrasound, MUGA test, Pet Scan, etc. Tests and doctors every day and then CHEMO. I have just completed my second round and feel pretty good, only a few manageable side effects so far. I am blessed. I want every woman to know....IBS is deadly. If you have any sudden changes in your breast, any itching, unusual pain, a change in skin texture or size...please see a doctor at once. I always thought breast cancer was detected by a lump and with a mammogram. NOT TRUE! I will post more about this later and provide links to some wonderful websites I have discovered. For now, a little rest for my big day tomorrow. I'll suprise you then!!

Saturday, July 07, 2007

This is a kitchen that I adore. It's not big...but it looks like a cook's kitchen. I love the stove. I think I like my fridge better...I just got a new one....a French Door with bottom freezer. Super!!